We invite you to join our veteran initiative to create an official Amity Honor Roll.  This monument formally recognizes the brave men and women from our community who served in the armed forces since the civil war.  The monument will stand across from the historic Reed School, within our Town Office Complex, making it highly visible from U.S. Route One

Amity has a unique history tied to national defense and the establishment of peaceful borders.  Our town’s roots extend back to the early 19th century, around the time of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of Amity 1842, which resolved border disputes and secured peace in our region. Since then, generations have served, defending and upholding our nation's values across the globe. This monument is not only a way to honor their courage, service and sacrifice, but will also remember the historical significance of our town in preserving peace for generations.

As a community, we know that our strength comes from standing together. We are reaching out to you today with the hope you will join in and stand with us. This project is very expensive for a small town with our limited resources. Any financial assistance from area businesses like yours will relieve the burden on our taxpayers, many who are elderly and/or disabled, Your donations will be crucial in bringing this project to life.  Any donation, regardless of size, is greatly appreciated, but every donor giving $1,000.00 or more in financial assistance will receive permanent on-site recognition for all to see. In addition our taxpayers will be very grateful for your support in this project to give our Veterans the Honor they ALL Deserve.

Area community member’s donations, donated materials or services from area business will all be crucial  to make this project successful.

A member of our committee will follow up with you to discuss your donation or answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, please consider the attached donation form to pledge your help and support. For more information and to stay updated on the project please visit this page regularly/



 Click HERE to download PDF version

Current Rooster of Veterans.

List of Donors